Hi Wesley - the SW can get incredibly obviously wide for portraits if you want it to and at other times, look semi-normal. It's a strange and remarkable camera. You should (if you haven't already) check out Lee Friedlander's photographs - he uses it with humour and pathos as a sort of point and shoot.




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Lee was my inspiration for borrowing the SWC :)

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Good stuff - you've done well with it. Worth considering purchasing before they get even more expensive. I got mine a few years back and have never regretted it - a strange, yet great camera!

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if I could manage it financially I absolutely would! perhaps in the future.

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Hi Wesley - that's a thorny one, because they're not getting any cheaper. I was lucky in that I managed to borrow the money from a friend and pay it back over several years.

The problem is, there's too many cameras and too little time/money ';0)

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