Aug 27, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

I'm a bridge engineer and inspector so I'm inspired by the angles I see structures from because very few people get the perspectives I do.

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I love that, thanks for sharing Lauren!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

First, this was a refreshing read. I draw inspiration from Poetry, there's this beauty in words that paints pictures in my mind, I firmly believe in seeing the picture before raising your camera.

I also draw inspiration from music videos and patterns that catch my eyes in everyday life.

Whenever I can, I watch people dance, paint and sing... These are all forms of expression that are very dear to me.

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love all of that! thanks for sharing Elisha!

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

My Dad’s a graphic designer so I’ve spent much of my life exposed to visual art forms that aren’t photographic. The methodology for graphic design is additive and often less is more, whereas photography is subtractive (I’m trying to eliminate distracting things, etc) which can be approached with a graphic design influence

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ooh I like this take on the difference!

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Anthropology, dreams, clouds, sun on the water and watching the light change during the day.

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Love all of those answers!

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Handcraft, everyone that is capable to craft anything with their hands is an inspiration. It could be painting, furniture, pottery… anything. It is the space that they use to create, the connection with the materials, I feel this is the connection I want to feel with my camera and photos I make.

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Yes yes yes to this!

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Excellent post, Wesley!

Looking for inspiration outside of your specific process is the best way to gain mastery of the process. You've inspired me to do the same.

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So glad to hear that!

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Turning your question around, I have used photo sequences in books like Robert Frank's Lines of My Hand to write narrative lyrics for songs.

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oh that's just excellent! thanks for sharing paul!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Themes of architecture are my biggest influence in my photography. I really enjoy the different layers of social and environmental aspects coverd within architecture.

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any specific architects!

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

I love looking at footage of fashion shows, something about the colours, patterns, shapes and textures interacting makes me notice those same interactions in things in everyday around me more

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that's such a good idea!

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The biography 'Bessie Smith' by poet Jackie Kay sent me down a jazz rabbit hole which ended with me shooting a series of portraits in an imagined jazz club that my mind wandered to when I was listening to King of Blue. I'm pretty pleased with the results and love when art outside of photography inspires my thinking. This was probably my favourite Process so far, thanks!


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lovely! Thanks for sharing Euan!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Lately i’ve been very inspired by ambient and electronic music. Especially artists like Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada. Their sounds reflect certain colors that i’m attracted to in the visual realm. Lots of blues, light grays and green. In a sense the type of contemplation and sereneness that goes into creating these arrangements is what I want to eventually evoke in some of my personal work!

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I LOVE APHEX TWIN, thank you!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Life itself in all possible appearances, impressions and experiences, light quality, moment atmosphere, music, paintings, literature, films...

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great answer!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

It's hard to pinpoint an exact moment that inspires me to take photos. I think it's more of an accumulation of life experiences, from being creative ever since I was a kid to studying journalism and being intrigued by people and their stories while doing interviews. Traveling—and especially hiking—has opened my eyes to the beauty our planet has to offer and inspires me to continue seeking new adventures to photograph. There's so much to discover in landscapes and in people that I would hate to miss out of anything spectacular.

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Very much relate!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

That was a great read ! I am a photojournalist but my inspiration doesn't come from photojournalists but mostly from movies and the fashion world and how they manage to build univers from simple ideas.

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love this answer Adil!

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I hike and walk a lot. I love hiking in the mountains and walking through any landscape from mountains and woods to big cities and small towns. It almost feels like a copout to say it, but just seeing the differing places and views inspires me to want to capture them on film. Or digitally. The light is constantly changing, the views are constantly changing, the shadows are ... yes, constantly changing. I especially like looking at things from different angles - down on tall buildings, up at small things - however I can change the angle.

If you want to get totally out of the visual capture area, I guess another inspiration is craftsmanship - and by that I mean looking at the craftsmanship in fine furniture, artwork, jewelry, architecture, whatever. That kind of dedication and attention to detail lets me know what people are really capable of and simply inspires me to pursue my own crafts.

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oooh yes craftsmanship!

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Wesley Verhoeve

Literally the cliche answer, but friends and family - just experience life with one another. I genuine love to capture ‘moments’. Regular, cliche, unorthodox moments. Just trying to live life; try to see beauty in everything and everywhere; enjoy each and every small thing in life; that’s what inspires and keeps inspiring me in general. This kind of living is what eventually leads me to photographing a lot - to capture intimacy; not so intimacy and just general frames.

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Cliche schmiche, its truth :)

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